What is the Quick Explore by Credentials?
Explore Pathways by Credentials to explore career pathways for selected credentials including academic and certifications, United Services Military Apprenticeship Programs (USMAP), as well as federal licenses. To see results tailored to your unique training and experience, try Engage My Career for a more customized [...]
What is the Quick Explore by CSWF Work Roles?
Explore each Cyberspace Information Technology (Cyber IT)/Cybersecurity (CSWF) Specialty Area to understand the qualification requirements of each role. To see results tailored to your unique training and experience, try the Cyber IT/CSWF tool for a more customized [...]
What is the Quick Explore by MOC?
Explore Pathways by Military Occupational Code (MOC) to view “best-fit” pathways based on your military occupation. Pathways include academic, industry, apprenticeship, cross-rate opportunities, and post-service employment opportunities. To see results tailored to your unique training and experience, try Engage My Career for a more customized [...]
How does the Quick Explorer tool work and what is its purpose?
The Quick Explorer tool allows users to directly explore credentials, careers, and interests without uploading personal information, providing the user with a more straightforward (though non-customized) alternative to the Engage My Career tool. Results provide related occupations as well as academic and non-academic credential options. The Quick Explorer offers guidance to users who are [...]
What are the different tools in MilGears?
There are four main tools in the MilGears platform. Engage My Career (EMC) – allows users to answer a series of questions that lead them to customized results including both occupational and credentialing pathways. Cyber IT/Cybersecurity Workforce (CSWF) - guides users through a series of questions to view how closely their qualifications align with the requirements for specific CSWF [...]
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Pensacola, FL 32511