Why are my records not uploading into the MilGears system?
The most common issue for upload issues within the MilGears application are related to file formats. MilGears only recognizes original text-based PDF files downloaded from the service websites listed. Images or scanned copies of documents cannot be uploaded into the system. If you are having difficulty uploading a file, please report your issue to our team through our contact form and a member [...]
How do I access my Employee Summary Sheet (ESS)?
To access your ESS, go to Coast Guard Business Intelligence (CGBI) and log in. Click on the Personal tab at the top Click on the Skills tab Click on Summary Sheet Save the file to a location that is easily accessible to [...]
How do I access my Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts?
To access your CCAF unofficial transcript, go to the https://afvec.us.af.mil/afvec/account/login" target="_blank Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) website. Log in to AFVEC. Under the Self-Service section, select CCAF View Progress Report In the Student Tools banner, select View My Unofficial Transcript Save the file to a location that is easily accessible to you. Note: Official CCAF [...]
How do I retrieve my Single Unit Retrieval Format (SURF) or “Record Review RIP”?
To access your SURF (also known as a Record Review RIP), go to the https://www.afpc.af.mil/Career-Management/" target="_blank Assignment Management System (AMS) : Log into AMS Click on Personnel Information Click on My Career Brief Click on Consolidated SURF Save the file to a location that is easily accessible to you [...]
How do I retrieve my Basic Training Record (BTR)?
To access your Basic Training Record (BTR), go to Marine Online: Log in to Marine Online Navigate to the Personal Information tab Download the Basic Training Record Save the file to a location that is easily accessible to [...]
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